Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Roller Coaster

Back by popular demand- crazy posts

Quotes of the week-
“God gave us women and he said he made them for the use of man, so Gavin have to use them.”

Me- “Man, that was a weird looking towel next to that dead man, right?”
10 year old- “That was his brain.”

“Who runs America?…. Who has the drugs, prostitutes, casinos?”
Me- “Las Vegas??”
“Yes! LAS VEGAS runs America!”

Me- “I should be the one who is upset! You have a BOYFRIEND!! Consolation prize, call Curt and tell him that you are in love with me. No one is going to believe me.”

First of all I have to disclose that my blog, particularly this post must remain vague to respect the privacy of others (this is in reference to the shooting and medical visit). AND, I love Jamaica, and Jamaican’s. Every culture has qualities that another culture might find quirky, interesting and sometimes funny. I am trying to remain respectful and in no way do I mean to be condescending. I have never lived with greater people than those in my household and community. I love you guys!

Thursday night, the night before I was sworn in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer, a few locals, other Peace Corps Trainees and I started our own little dance party. The dancing styles where crazy different- Chris and I are Austinites so we dance like nerds and the locals “wine”. According to the locals, wineing is not like grinding but I can’t tell the difference. I must have not been blessed with the ability to wine but that didn’t discourage my frequent and awkward attempts. Ha… Curt, one of the volunteers tried to dance with a stranger who turned out to be Bounty Killer’s girlfriend- a local Dancehall DJ who didn’t get his nickname for being nice. All in all is was a terrific night. My first night out in Jamaica was a blast!

Swearing in went well. Nothing really to report. Good times. I am officially a Peace Corps Volunteer! Respect the title, Volunteer!

On Saturday I went to Sav to visit the market and price bicycles. While I was there I called my country director and asked her to reconsider the house move the Peace Corps had in store for me. The PC director said she would reconsider and let me know Monday after she had discussed the situation with other Peace Corps personnel. My country director is the best; she cares about each of us even though sometimes we all need our hands to be held like children. Maybe not us all, but I am one of those.

That night I decided to go to bed at 7:30PM! The night before I stayed up till 2:30 AM watching movies on my computer. Clearly, my sleep cycle is out of wack. Anyway, as I was drifting off to sleep I decided to textmessage the Jamaican girl I had been crushing on. She called me back and she basically told me that she is in love with me. Problem: she lives in Kingston. 5 hours away. Jamaica is too big! I really thought we might be able to work something out. She told me she was in love with me by telling me she thought I was cute but we both know what she meant.

The next day I found out she has a BOYFRIEND!!!! Barf. Heartbreaker! Maybe I overestimated her feelings. Blah!

But the day continued to get worse. Around 2 PM I was told by my house dad that a local merchant was robbed and murdered just 2 miles down the road from where I live and tops a 1/4 of a mile from where I work. While visibly upset my host dad said the man was a good, honest man and a hard worker.

I had a meeting to attend at the school at 4PM so I got there right on time and of course I was the first person there. So when one of the first members of the group arrived they invited me to walk just down the road to the crime scene. I didn’t think it was a good idea but I went along. When we arrived I told the group members who walked with me that I didn’t want to see the body of the man who had been slain and that I would rather stand a ways back. But the group coerced me to the scene. I was told I didn’t have to look at the body but after standing there for a few minutes my curiosity got the best of me… He was shirtless, stiff and shot multiple times- once in the face.

It was surreal standing in the setting sun with about 75 Jamaicans as I watched the man be taken away and listened to his wife further down the road bawling out in hysterics. I still have her cries replaying in my head. I felt very out of place there. Within the crowed there were many young kids who knew me from school. I didn’t realize how large my community was.

I am bothered some by the severity of the crime and am now concerned for my own safety but mostly I feel saddened for the family that lost their husband, father and son, especially the woman.


Monday 18th-
Couldn’t sleep last night, well it feels like I couldn’t sleep. I must have fallen asleep around 8 or 9 and my host dad didn’t play music in the morning so I slept in till 7am but I still feel tired today. I feel like I have mono (impossible). Maybe it’s the humidity that drains my energy.

Today I took the advice from the Security Officer and called up the Medical Officer and expressed my anxiety about the murder. They want to drive me in to Kingston so I can talk about it. I don’t think I am really upset about it but my head feels all jumbled up. I probably will go in. It can’t hurt but I do feel like a baby.

On a completely different note. Good news! I got my new glasses in! For all of the haters out there I want you to know the Jamaicans hate my normal looking glasses and want me to continue to wear the crazy ones.


Dear Barack Obama:

Please send me Nova, Magic School Bus and Baywatch DVDs. Any other educational DVDs would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Gavin – Peace Corps Volunteer, Jamaica


Tonight I spent the evening speaking with a family in my community about a family member who is very sick and the family knows they can not pay for her medical bills. I was able to contact the medical provider that estimated the cost of treatment and found out that a second medical visit must be made and only at that time financial assistance can by addressed. I certainly have not fixed the situation but feel I have at least got them moving in the right direction. Tomorrow morning I am going back to the house to help schedule the appointment. So no one freaks out I did not give any medical advice. I just helped them understand the medical jargon and assisted them in speaking to the hospital.

And last but not least- Shout out to Bob! Thanks for being my wingman.

“Girl from England who I meet on the phone wants to come to Jamaica.”
“A girl from the phone!?”
“Yeah, she dialed my number and talked to me as if she where my girlfriend! But Gavin she is very rude! Haha
“Not a good idea. Not a good idea at all.”
“Don’t worry Gavin I told her about you too”
“Yeah, I told her about you. She told me some things and I just laughed. She might visit you soon.”

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 4th

Day of Death-

The principle of the school I work at took me down to Cambridge Basic School to lead their morning devotion (prayer). I was really nervous but it went extremely well. There where about 75 kindergarten aged children and 5 teachers. I read David chapter 2 or was it 3? Anyhow, it was the story of King David and the 3 brothers who he tried to burn alive. The kids loved the story because I made them clap, stomp or scream depending on the brother I was talking about. While the devotion was going on a completely naked man walked by. At first, I was angry and wanted to make the man leave before the kids noticed but then I noticed his mother and I realized the man was mentally disabled and had probably run away from his home. His mother was trying to get him to put his clothing back on. She must be an angel. Luckily, the children never noticed and I just went along with my rockin story. It was a minute
or two while he waited for some type of schooling to start. I referred him to the principle.

Today I added trash to the trash pile that is burned everyday. I didn’t know if I should feel bad about that or not. Stonehenge doesn’t have trash pick up so burning it seems to be the only means of disposal. Well, mother earth made me pay for burning trash…. The direction of the wind changed towards the end of the day and pushed the toxic smoke into the school. It didn’t seem to bother the students or teachers but it was horrible for me. DAY OF DEATH. I felt like the trash smell was going to kill me. But it was also the stiffeling heat that made it so bad. Even though I love Texas summers I barley handle the humidity and heat in Jamaica because of the amount of clothing I am expected to wear- long sleeve dress shirt and slacks. BLAH

Went Mo-Bay with my supervisor to visit with the SDC and while we where their we grabbed some ice cream.

Dance Hall-
• Vibes Kartel “teacher, addi” – (Gaza Strip, original name is Adisha Plamer- studio (Portmore Empire)) 2002 became an artist
• Movado – Gully God (crew name- Alliance) 2005, popular over seas
o Bounty Killer 1992

Not a good post

May 3rd

This morning I woke up bright and early for church. Luckily it is Sunday and that means I walk all the way to Seaford for Mass (2 or 3 hours). The 21 year old that lives with me decided he wanted to walk with me to Seaford. Right as we started walking he was able to flag down the gas man. The back of the truck was piled high with empty gas cans but a free ride is a free ride so we piled on top of the cans. Instead of walking 2 or 3 hours to Seaford we got there in about 15 to 20 minutes. The Peace Corps prefers if we only ride in red plate taxis (licensed taxis) but in the country we don’t have red plates so I wind up hitching rides. Never alone.

May 2nd
Today I was stressed. There are aspects of my site that are proving to be very difficult for me to understand and/or accept. I don’t want to post details. I am still thankful for every day I have here. I am fortunate to have great friends who live 30 minutes away. There is always music playing in Jamaica and the Night at the Roxberry song just came on. Hahaha. “what is love” ha. We used to listen to that song at all the time in highschool. Everyday has a lot of stress but I am so happy to be here.

May 1st
Today I went to Mo-Bay to visit with a teacher that works at a school designed for at risk youth and foster children. It was amazing. After speaking with the teacher I went to the beach for the rest of the day. Working in the heat and having difficulty understanding half of the people I speak with really starts to tire and stress me out. The beach is a cure all.

April 30th

This morning I was a little late for school because I was “chopping the yard” (cutting the grass with a machete). I was expecting to get ready when the 7 year old started to get ready. But as the day warmed I realized he was not going to school and I was going to be late. I was told later that he was not going to go to school because his uniform was dirty. I think truancy is going to be a difficult obstacle to overcome. The 7 year old in my household goes to school regularly, but there are kids all over Jamaica that do not. I am lucky that most of my community does highly value education.

April 29th
While getting a ride to Sav (the nearest market) I often speak Patwa. People are always surprised to see a white man in a mini bus but are almost shocked when I ask “mornin’ docta, umuch de fear?”

I am starting to really enjoy listening to dance hall.

April 28th

Today I went to work at the school where I continued to organize the library with the help of my counterpart. At the end of the day the principle walked and told us to move everything back to how it originally was! Luckily she changed her mind after we showed her the benefits of our new system.

During lunch I read with a few of the students at the school. I noticed today that there are 6th grades that do not know their entire alphabet. What I think is going on is that the students that fall behind are unable to catch up because the teachers do not have the time to give them special attention. I was in remedial classes when I was young and now I realize how fortunate I am for that. I plan on taking students out of class who have fallen behind and help them catch up.

April 27th

I spent the day at the school where I read with students and helped my counterpart organize the school library. I was very surprised that the students wanted to read to me and how well they could read. I think they could be at a higher level than I was at their age.

I am starting to get a little stressed out about my eating situation. Some days I only eat one meal a day. Luckily, the school provides free lunch for me.

Lately I have been trying to figure out why my community goes for days without running water. I think it’s because a large amount of people are not paying their water bill and a small number of people have been sealing the “gas oil” used to run the water pump. I don’t know how I am going to address the water problem but I am looking forward to working with community members to solve it.

April 26th

Today I tried to attend Mass in Cambridge- a town about 12 miles away. Mass never started and I had to pay $8 to get a ride home. It was a little frustrating to say the least.

Tonight Stud came home with a kitten. According to a member of my community, to make sure a cat likes you would should spit in its food. I watched a man spit in the cats food… I hope people are not spitting in my food.

My lap top has become the house TV. Every night we watch 2 episodes of 30 Rock. It’s a blast.

ZOOM OUT- the map will show!

The map is where I consider the center of my community is located.
I am about a 1 hour 15 minute drive from the Montego Bay. It costs me as little as 120 Jamaican dollars to get their, about $1.50 US.

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