Thursday, December 10, 2009

Two for one

Take it a day at a time

Host dad- “Now Gavin, don't forget to turn the water off before the drum in the kitchen overflows”.
Me- “Sure thing!”

An hour later, I walk into the kitchen to find an inch of water covering the floor. I hurry back to my room and rip my sheets off my bed, gather all my towels and spend the next hour draining the kitchen.

While doing my hour walk home from Machmount Road I think to myself. I am practically a local. No one would mess with me out here in the bush. While distracted by my thoughts a car pulls over and a young man jumps out, and says, you want a ride? When I jump in the middle seat between two guys and realize I don't know any of the 4 young men in the car. I think to myself, I'm dead....Dodged another bullet.

Crime Update-
I can't express how much this saddens me-
While walking home from Mass I ran into two guys. One of the guys informed me that the previous night a 80+ year old that lives in my community and that I really enjoy visiting was raped. Please say a prayer for her and her family.

My first day at the Hope AIDS Hospice was terrific. When I arrived I almost turned back when no one was at the front desk to greet me but I reluctantly went right on in. First thing I noticed was the beautiful music; an American priest was leading the residents in prayer with his guitar . Then I was saddened to see how many patients where without their legs. Later I was told AIDS increases complications associated with diabetes. Overall, the experience was terrific- the patients seemed to enjoy my company, and I had a great time chatting with the residents and occasionally helping the nuns out with small chores.

A giant gecko visits me at 10 or 11pm each night for 30 minutes. He runs along the top of my wall and eats all the bugs that hangout above my window. Today when I was running late for school I noticed the lizard stuck in my mouse glue trap! This lizard is one of the few stabilizers I have and I can't afford to lose him. Fortunately, last week I stepped on one of my glue traps, barefooted. I had to check the box to make sure they were not toxic and while checking I read that the glue can be removed with oil from peanut butter. I spent the next hour applying cooking oil and trying to gently pry the lizard off with a pen.

For Jame's (PCV) birthday a few of us went to Dr's Cove Beach in Montego Bay. In the past I have described how beautiful this beach is but I was shocked to discover there is a decent coral reef just a hundred yards off the beach. I saw a few colorful fish, a spotted eel, sting ray, and even bumped my face into a huge brain coral while trying to pose for a picture. Because of the large amount pollution that runs into MoBay I was surprised to see so much life right off the coast. Amazing. This makes me believe that the boats that go off on snorkeling and scuba adventures might actually be a lot of fun.

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