Thursday, June 25, 2009

A week of my life is gone

Highlight of the week-

I got tired of waiting for a taxi so I started to walk down to the main road. When I finally made it down, I saw a puppy on the side of the road narrowly avoiding being squashed by speeding taxies. Thinking it was Stud's puppy I went over and picked him up. I walked about half a mile to Stud's yard and was greeted by Stud and his big rasta smile. Turns out I found a random dog but now its Studs.

I took a trip into Montego Bay to speak with the SDC (Social Development Committee) about registering the club I work with and to research H1N1 (Swine) Flu. While traveling I lost my flash drive!!!! I have no idea how it could have just fallen out of my pocket but I don’t think I was pick pocketed because it was only my key chain with the flash drive that was missing… I lost a week of work, a week of my blog.

Anyway, I gave a health presentation at school this week and I have to admit it was the second worst presentation I have ever given. My worst presentation was in 3rd grade when I had to present my drawing of a cat. It was so embarrassing that I ran out of the classroom crying. My Swine Flu presentation didn’t go much better… Instead of giving up and running out of the room I pushed through- I planned on just the 20 or so 6th and 5th graders and giving a rather intellectual lecture; but instead, I had the entire school squashed into one big classroom! I decided to simplify the lesson for my audience and tried to make it interesting, but I couldn’t hold the students' attention. I first tried to teach them the 4 types of germs. That went over like a rock. The students would have no part in that. So I tried to liven it up by having the students draw a storyboard for me describing how germs can be transferred. That took way too long and their drawings where awful. Lastly, I told the few students who were listening about Swine Flu. I put so much effort into this presentation but it just didn’t work out. I have had a lot of success in small groups but I couldn’t control the entire group of varying ages. I have some books on their way from Austin Region XIII that may help me learn some techniques for next time.

I am at Montego Bay today because I finally got approved for a bicycle!!!! I really want a motorcycle but the Peace Corps would never allow it.

In other news, the school year is almost over here in Jamaica, and most Peace Corps Volunteers who work at schools take part in their school’s summer program. I was recently told that my school might not have a summer program because the principal who usually runs the program is bedridden due to her pregnancy. So I decided to ask for permission to run the summer program. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because from what I hear summer school is like a 3 hour a day camp. I can already see it now, Karate class, reading club and missing children. Just kidding. No karate class.

I am starting to feel overwhelmed at the discrepancy of wealth in Jamaica and even here in my community. Part of my job is getting out and introducing myself to the community. I have taken this very seriously and have spoken to almost everyone at least once. Each day I am usually left heartbroken. I have met people in tragic circumstances who are struggling just to find food to eat while others like I live comfortably just down the road. Electricity, clean and or running water, a toilet, soap, and 4 walls are not taken for granted by most of my community. I guess that’s why I am here, but I do not know how I am going to tackle this. In the meantime some people, a minority, are truly suffering. In every community I assume you can find people who are suffering but I guess I never took the time to look and then get to know the people.

Crime update-
Another person was murdered down the road from me. It was a case of "jungle justice". I was told that although the murder was in retaliation for the first murder- I should still be concerned about "being hit by a stray bullet". Because of this sad incident my community doesn’t want me walking around by myself any longer. I disagree but do think I should be issued a flame thrower or bazooka. Seriously, I am not at all worried about my safety, but I am greatly saddened about the amount of death.

1 comment:

peacocky said...

Gavin - you rock!!! Small successes over time = big success. I know you are making an impact down there - how could you not? You're Gavin!