Monday, February 9, 2009

35 days till I depart

Highlight of the week-
This week has been so great visiting friends in Houston but Alex's wedding vows where beyond amazing!! I knew it was going to be the best speech ever when Alex start with "As the Great Dante said...". The rest of the vows where a blubbering mess of tears and laughs. Something about a sweater was said that's all I could make out. ha

The covenant of marriage is a reflection of Gods love of us so tears of love and joy are very appropriate. It's touching to see two people love each other so much. Congratulation's Alex!

I spoke to Genevieve from the Peace Corps on Wednesday. That phone call was my first real contact with anyone from Jamaica. It's actually starting to happen!

1 comment:

AndreaandWill said...

Hi Gavin! I see you're a follower of our blog which is FANTASTIC! I just wanted to let you know that we're open to any questions you might have about packing, peace corps in general, or any other things you might be wondering about! I hope your last month in the states is GREAT!