Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Belgium- A day of suprises, May 14th

Different people different reactions

I hate to admit it but when people see Peace Corps Jamaica on my resume I think I had a two year vacation. I hope an agricultural survey in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will counteract that perception.
While traveling to Belgium on my way to Africa I was shocked when I introduced myself to a Peace Corps volunteer from West Africa and the first thing she said was I was in the posh corps because I served in Jamaica. Not a pause, not a smile, just straight up resentment.

In Belgium, our flight to Rwanda is delayed for a day due to "mechanical issues", but the rumor is the airline baggage handlers are on strike.  All the passengers of the plane were bused to a small hotel outside of Belgium- not a bad place to adjust to the jet lag. While on the way to the hotel I introduced myself to another Peace Corps volunteer who served in Rwanda. She was on her way back to interview for a job there. She was a lot friendlier and seemed to be indifferent about where I served.

The last and my favorite reaction to serving in Peace Corps Jamaica was Dr Price's reaction.  When talking about Jamaica he actually said Jamaica was- I’m not sure exactly what words he used but he basically said it was the one of the most difficult countries he has worked in.

While at the hotel in Belgium I got into a dispute with a guy from Rwanda about why Rwanda has been economically prosperous while the DRC remains stuck in the quagmire of economic hardship. I’m not even in the DRC and I’m already defending it.

While walking along the river outside our hotel in Belgium, I met a development specialist on his way to Africa. After a few minutes of small talk he revealed to me that he recently lost one of his American employees in Africa. The tragic story was told by a man who was confident his employee was performing noble work but his words could not fully express his trepidation of experiencing another loss.
It’s summer but Belgium is COLD.

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